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Superannuation Review

Do you have superannuation in various funds that you are thinking of consolidating? It is not just a matter of choosing the best fund. A very important part of the process is to review the insurance policies you hold in those funds. Don’t go cancelling anything until you are sure you have comparable cover elsewhere. This is quite a complex area, if you would like our help we charge on an hourly rate.

If you do not want insurance cover through superannuation, so it is just a matter of where to keep your retirement savings, this web site has some great information www.canstar.com.au/superannuation/top-performing-super-funds-rated-canstar

One of the many advantages of a fee for service model is we are not limited to recommending retail superannuation funds.  As you pay for our service we don’t have to look to the superannuation fund for remuneration.  Accordingly, we can include industry funds in our comparison and be completely objective. We can round up your superannuation from the various funds you have accumulated over the years and roll them into one, after taking care to make sure you don’t lose any important insurance policies.