Dollar Cost Averaging

It is now 10 years since the GFC hit, and predictably the media is pondering when the next crisis will strike. It’s a fact of life that nobody can accurately forecast what markets will do, but that should not stop you investing. If you have money to invest, but are nervous, you could adopt a …

What kind of superannuation fund should I have?

“What kind of superannuation fund should I have?” is a question I am often asked. There is no simple answer because, like choosing a home loan, you need one that is right for your particular situation. Naturally, fees are an important consideration, but I believe that transparency of fees is often a more important issue …

Building Wealth Using Super

The continual movement of the goal posts may put you off contributing to super, but the fact remains that superannuation remains a major tool for anybody trying to build wealth. One of the best strategies is salary sacrifice whereby a pre-tax sum is contributed to super instead of being taken in hand. Suppose a person …

Estate planning wrong choices

Many still don’t understand the implications of making the wrong estate planning choices, or even worse not having a will at all. The first thing to look out for is that certain assets do not pass to the beneficiary in terms of the will. These include assets held as joint tenants, insurance bonds where there …