Category «Estate Planning»

Cowap and Cowap Joint Tenancy Successfully Challenged

It’s important to have an updated and valid will, but many people don’t understand that certain assets fall outside the will. These include money in superannuation, insurance bonds, and assets held as joint tenants. Joint tenancies are known in law as “will substitutes”, inasmuch as they take the place of a will and even have …

Keeping Your Credit Card

I have written before about the problems faced by retirees, who don’t have a credit card, and who are trying to get one. Often it may be a widow who is declined, because the family credit card was held in the name of the husband, often the breadwinner, with the wife having a supplementary card …

Transferring Assets on Death and CGT

CGT and death is a somewhat complex topic, but the main thing to remember is that death itself does not trigger CGT — it merely transfers any CGT liability to the beneficiaries who receive the asset. If the asset is disposed of, they may be liable for CGT, but if the asset is kept for …