Category «Property Investments»
How to Save a Home Deposit in 2 Years @ $200 per Week
Keeping the Nexus Between the Borrowing and the Expenditure

Keeping the Nexus Between the Borrowing and the Expenditure What the borrowed money is used to buy determines whether the interest on the loan is tax deductible. That is the basic rule. The link between the borrowing and the expenditure is called the nexus. This nexus needs to be very clear. You need to be …
The BAN TACS Alternative

Alan Kohler wrote in the Australian, of Ken Hayne’s Report on the Banking Royal Commission: “His decision to not call for the separation of product and advice is both inexplicable and egregious.” BAN TACS has solved this for their clients through our own financial planning arm! Download PDF Tax, Accounting and Financial Planning Advice in One …
Income Insurance

Must Knows About Income Insurance Yeah, yeah I know no one wants to talk about insurance and possible disasters but odds are you already have income insurance as part of your superannuation. So, I am not talking you into taking out insurance here I am talking about paying premiums that may not provide you …